2005 >> August >> Seventh Annual Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club Show  

7th Annual Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club Show
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", August 2005, page 6

The Seventeenth Annual Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club show took place on March 5th, 2005. If you live in North Carolina or any state North of there, this show means Winter is over, Spring is on the way and it is SHOW TIME 2005!

As usual, the show was a sellout. If you want to do the show in 2006, return your contract quickly, as it fills up fast. As Steve Bobb and I took our usual route and made our usual breakfast stop, we reminisced about the past sixteen years (has it really been that many). As we exit the Interstate, go up the ramp and into the parking lot, yes it is that easy to find. We see the Dutcher's truck, Doug Williams is unloading and so is Jeff Katchko. It is time to park and unload and get all those insulators out on the tables. By the time nine o'clock rolled around, everyone was set up and ready to sell. The doors opened and all the collectors eagerly spread out looking for those special insulators for their collections. There were no killer walk-ins but a lot of good insulators were on the tables for everyone's enjoyment. There were dealers in attendance from ten states and the club ran their popular raffles again this year. The Fire Company served their food at good prices.

How much is this one? Chip McElwee is about to make a sale.

Attendance was up slightly from last year and walk thru was steady all day. Most dealers reported good sales.

The Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club will be hosting the Eastern Regional show this year in September, so don't wait too long to reserve your tables, as I am sure they will set out fast.

Chip McElwee from New York behind his table with what else, a Lynchburg in hand.

(center) Peter Abbot relaxing as son (left) Parker minds the store. (right ?)

Doug WiIIiams describing insulators to potential customer, Jeff Katchko.

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